Saturday, November 29, 2008

Its a beautiful morning for a pleasant jog in the park on a treadmill.

I have always enjoyed going for brief jogs in the park or along the river front during late spring, summer, or early fall. During my time at Columbia University, my path of choice ran through Riverside park and now that I live in Queens, Astoria Park has become my new center for recreation. I loved bathing in the warmth of sunlight and the salty smell of the estuaries at the base of the Hudson as my mind wandered into introspection during my longer runs. However, once October rolls around and the cold of fall truly sets in, it simply become too cold to go outside. Jogging outdoors suddenly becomes so unpleasant when the frosty air nips at your face and tightens every patch of exposed skin. At these times, I must settle with running on a treadmill at a local gym, which feels much too repetitive and interminable for all the obvious reasons. Also, for some reason I find running on a treadmill much harder on my knees. If only there were some way of finding a compromise between the pleasures of jogging outside vs running on a treadmill...

Apparently, some innovative technology companies have taken this question very seriously, but somewhere along the way, they obviously lost their original vision and all sense of purpose.

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